Website Design:
We listen to your company’s needs and craft a website that addresses them.
Your customers want innovative, high-quality solutions. Put your website to work advertising, generating leads, accepting quotes and selling your products and services around the clock with efficient ecommerce design and custom applications.
Custom Development:
Custom functionality means your site will do exactly what you want the way you want it to, and that it will be easy to update for years to come.
Responsive web design provides the nuts and bolts to establish your company as an industry leader and expert. Build your brand’s legitimacy through personalized knowledge centers that demonstrate your expertise and support your company’s value proposition.
Internet Marketing:
Whether you need social media and blogging or PPC advertising, we’ll create a framework for using internet marketing on your terms.
Connect to your clients, prospects and other industry leaders through seamless social media integration and a robust web presence, then turn those interactions into leads, sales and measurable results.
Web Support:
Our U.S.-based website support team is unmatched, providing immediate fixes whenever you need them.
Infomedia’s team of professionals provide website hosting, website maintenance and backup and disaster recovery assistance with a 48-hour response time. And we can educate you on how to implement these resources into your company’s strategy.